Don’t Make These Common Mortgage Mistakes
Are you applying for a mortgage on your home? Keep in mind that a mortgage is a major financial decision and choosing one will have a significant impact on the rest of your life. Many people go into...
View ArticleMortgage 101: The Basics of How Mortgage Refinancing Works
Refinancing your home mortgage can be beneficial for you for a number of reasons. As a homeowner, you may have spoken with some of your friends and neighbors who have already refinanced, and you may...
View ArticleSaving Up for Your Down Payment? Try These Money-saving Tips
One of the most significant challenges that many people face when preparing to buy a first home relates to saving money for a down payment. While there are many different loan programs with varying...
View ArticleTips for How to Secure a Mortgage if You’re a Self-Employed Entrepreneur
If you are self-employed, either as a freelancer or as the owner of your own business, your income can fluctuate greatly from year to year. That can make it difficult to get approved for a mortgage,...
View Article5 Uncommon Mortgage Terms You Need to Know
When it comes to finding a new home, there are lots of complex ratios, terms, and contracts that you’ll encounter – and at times, it’ll feel like you’re trying to navigate a minefield. Here are five...
View ArticleHow Are Mortgage Rates Determined?
If you’ve been paying attention to the mortgage rate news, you may be wondering exactly how it is banks decide what mortgage rates to offer. Do they just pick a number at random? Mortgage rates may...
View ArticleHow to Refinance Your Adjustable-rate Mortgage with Better Terms
An adjustable-rate mortgage was once a great mortgage product, at a time when home buyers wanted to avoid locking in high interest rates. But with historically low interest rates now available to...
View Article4 Financial Benefits of Home Ownership
Home ownership may be one of the most familiar goals of adulthood, but there’s more than one reason why so many people flock towards this type of investment and leave the rental market behind. If...
View ArticleHow Technology Is Creating an Easier Mortgage Process
From saving up for a down payment to sussing out the ideal lender, there are so many things involved in purchasing a home that can make it seem like a rather complicated undertaking. However, like a...
View ArticleThe Pros and Cons of Mortgage Rate Locks
If you’re just jumping into the game of home purchasing, you are likely considering all of your loan options and may even have heard the term mortgage rate lock. For those who don’t like to gamble, a...
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